Complications in IUI
“Never give up on a dream to accomplish parenthood… You are not alone!”
Read MoreBizarre cravings in Pregnancy- PICA
Pica in medical terms is an eating disorder and results in continual eating of non-nutritional substances such as dirt, metal and stones...
Read MoreIn Chaos, There Is IVF
Did you know that IVF existed even before 1978??? Before the birth of Louise Brown in 1978, 1891 marked the first successful birth...
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The pandemic has resulted in increased anxiety in the universal populace more so for the pregnant women owing to the new period of uncertainty.
Read MoreUnusual changes in a female body - PCOD or PCOS
Often used interchangeably; PCOD and PCOS are the two words we hear frequently. It is important to understand the difference because having one of the condition does not necessarily mean you have the other.
Read MoreThe 5Ws and 1H of infertility and IVF
Infertility is the inability of a couple to conceive after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse. IVF or In-Vitro Fertilization is a procedure where the oocyte and the sperm are fused outside the body of the female patient.
Read MoreEulogies from a fertility clinic
One of the joys of being an embryologist is that you get to choose what kind of human being you bring onto Earth! Not the gender though! He’d be a criminal instead of a creator if so.
Read MoreEmbryology in space colonization
Embryo space colonization is a theoretical concept where frozen human embryos are sent on a robotic mission to colonize the new probable habitable planet.
Read MoreTop 5 Hollywood celebrities who opened up about their fertility journey
IVF has gained so much popularity since the birth of Louis Brown and now is normalised by many celebrities which makes it easier on couples suffering from infertility to go ahead with their treatment options and not stop dreaming about a family.
Read MoreTop 6 IVF references from Netflix
As infertility in human beings rises exponentially, fertility treatments have become an everyday talk. So much so that many mainstream media with millions of viewers include scenes related to IVF to get more people to watch their shows!
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