Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL)
RPL is a condition characterized by two or more consecutive miscarriages. As a sporadic incidence,11-13% women miscarriage in their first pregnancy.
Read MorePoor Ovarian Response
Poor Ovarian response is when the ovaries, that are stimulated to produce eggs, do not respond appropriately with satisfactory number of egg production.
Read MoreThe process of Folliculogenesis and Folliculometry
Semen analysis serves as the foundation for the laboratory assessment of the infertile male and aids in determining the degree of the male factor.
Read MoreSemen Analysis in the 21st Century
Semen analysis serves as the foundation for the laboratory assessment of the infertile male and aids in determining the degree of the male factor.
Read MoreSurrogacy- Carrying a Miracle
The global prevalence of infertility is on the rise, which has spurred the advancement of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)...
Read MoreDysmenorrhoea- Painful periods? What you need to know....
Dysmenorrhoea (pronounced as dis-men-or-rhea) is the scientific term for painful periods. Dysmenorrhoea is one of the commonest complaints that we come across in practice...
Read MoreEctopic Pregnancy
An ectopic pregnancy is when a pregnancy starts to grow outside the uterus (womb) (Ectopic-misplaced) It could occur in the uterine tube, ovary, the mouth of the uterus (cervix) and rarely...
Read MoreEmergency Contraception
Most sexually active women have had a scare of an unprotected sexual Intercourse (UPSI) at some time or the other during their lives.
Read MoreAn unusual case of Acute Abdomen- Pyometra
A middle-aged woman was rushed to the emergency department with constant severe suprapubic abdominal pain, fevers, and myalgia. Survey of medical reports revealed an endometrial biopsy six days prior to presentation.
Read MoreFor The Expectant Mothers
So you are the miracle called mother, aspiring for another miracle-your baby. It is only natural that you would want only the best! Here is a comprehensive list you must be aware of
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