Eulogies from a fertility clinic

A famous quote from 3 idiots by none other than Viru Sahastrabuddhi famously known as Virus by his beloved students goes like - “life is a race!... If you don’t run fast… you will be like a broken anda”. Well guess what! It was a race even before life! The race through the female reproductive tract is no less than a roman colosseum! And the gladiators you ask? They are the poor sperms. This ain’t any ordinary race! The poor sperm has got a million competitors! He’s got an army of enemies stopping him from uniting with the princess in the fallopian tube, of course… the oocyte! Afterall the princess wants her man to know her worth… just like in real life! Finally, she lets in one winner and blocks all the other competitors by cortical reaction. Afterall she’s a sweet woman who wants to be monogamous to her guy!... So, if you ever feel low in your life, remember that you once won a race with more than a million competitors!
Explore the glorious journey of a sperm through the female reproductive tract and learn how you can help the poor guy fight his battles by taking up our basic andrology course.
The unnoticed explosions

There are explosions that happen so often that go unnoticed unlike bombs just because there's no magnitude to measure them.
One such explosion happens often in a fertility clinic
A tepid tear bursts out in so much silence from a patient's eye although it carries millions of pain particles like generational trauma, misogyny, patriarchy and what not!
The tear incubates at the edge of her eye as she waits with her husband outside the clinic. It almost wants to explode when her husband chickens out from going in with her to talk to the doctor. And there when she tries to swallow her pain to speak to the doctor the explosion happens without her permission and the warm resonating tear drop rolls down as she speaks out her truth.
A fertility specialist who has handled many such cases understands her plight and gives her hope
Wipe the tears of generational trauma. Become a true feminist. Become a fertility specialist
Medline academics helps you kick start with your dream of becoming a fertility specialist. Take up one of the courses available online, offline and hybrid of various levels for clinicians and life science students and start your journey to help families that dream of a baby’s cry.
The stubborn seed

Have you ever come across that one nasty grain or a pulse that is so hard to chew that it hurts your teeth? That grain must have not sprouted if you observe. Although your mom had kept all conditions same for all the grains, some stubborn grains don’t seem to sprout at all.
Similarly, some stubborn embryos in an IVF lab don’t easily hatch even if all conditions required are fed to it.
But why should an embryo hatch?
Just like how a seed must sprout for it to implant itself onto the soil to grown into a beautiful plant, an embryo must hatch out of its Zona Pellucida to implant itself onto the endometrium for it to gown into a cute baby!
Here the seed is the embryo and the soil for it is the endometrium
So, what do we do with the embryos that are like the nasty hard grains that won’t sprout?
We break their wall!
In this case the zona pellucida of the embryo
This process of weakening or breaking the zona pellucida of the embryo artificially to help the embryo hatch out its blastomeres and aid implantation after embryo transfer is called Assisted Hatching of the embryos.
Want to learn more ways to help the seed called embryo grow on the garden soil called the endometrium? Take up one of our courses on advanced embryology and reproductive medicine of various levels available for both clinicians and life science students.
Embryologist: creator or a criminal?

One of the joys of being an embryologist is that you get to choose what kind of human being you bring onto Earth! Not the gender though! He’d be a criminal instead of a creator if so. It’s fascinating how something an embryologist does randomly and unintentionally has so much impact on what sort of an offspring is born! Only if he ran behind a different sperm to slash its tail before performing ICSI, Obama would be born instead of Osama.
Want to experience the joy of being a God? Take up our embryology courses of various levels and wake your inner creator up!
Access to the fourth dimension: Time lapse microscopy

We all understand what 3 dimensions are (X, Y and Z axis) and we clearly have access to these three dimensions. The 4th dimension is imagined in many science fiction movies and physics theories and it always is imagined to be TIME! If you get access to this dimension called time, you can time travel. You can have access to your past and your future. It is always thrilling to imagine a future where humans have access to time.
Something very close to time travel in the field of biology is Time Lapse Microscopy (TLM). Using this technology, you can go back in time and see what happened at what time. This can help us rectify the mistakes, invent solutions and learn to tackle future problems. One of the most important applications of TLM today has to be in the field of Assisted Reproductive technology. Embryos are monitored throughout the period they grow inside a lab from the time of fertilization using ICSI or IVF until they become a fully formed blastocyst. An embryologist uses a device called the Embryoscope to understand the embryos and the problems they are facing to grow and implant themselves onto the endometrium in the female uterus.

We all have eaten sprouts at some point in our lives. Have you come across that one nasty grain or a pulse that is so hard to chew that it hurts our teeth? That grain must have not sprouted if you observe. Although your mom kept all the conditions same for all the grains, some stubborn grains don’t seem to sprout or hatch.
Similarly, some stubborn embryos in an IVF lab don’t easily hatch even if all conditions required are fed to it.
Just like how a seed must sprout for it to implant itself onto the soil to grow into a plant, an embryo must hatch out of it Zona Pellucida to implant itself onto the endometrium for it to grow into a baby.

Here the seed is the embryo and the soil for it is the endometrium
So, what do we do with the embryos that are like the nasty hard grains that won’t sprout?
We break their wall or the Zona Pellucida in this case!
Want to learn more such interesting techniques used to improve fertility in humans? Enrol to our advanced embryology course and dive into the world of embryos.